
How to connect R with Tableau

Jack Chen

Install R

  1. Go to R project and download R (Linux, Mac or Windows version) then install R.How to connect R with Tableau1
  2. Go to R Studio and download R Sutdio. (Optional)
  3. Start R, load the Rserve library and call the Rserve service in the R environment
            Rserve(args = "--no--save")

Connect Rserve with Tableau 

1.Open Tableau and establish a connection to Rserve from Tableau.
    Help -> Settings and Performance -> Manage R connections

How to connect R with Tableau2
2.Set Server = localhost and port = 6311 then click OK

How to connect R with Tableau3


  1. Tableau: How to integrate R andt Tableau
  2. Integrating Tableau and R for data analytics in four simple steps
  3. Tableau: Online help

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